by Christy | Feb 20, 2016 | For the love of gardening, Homeopathic remedies
Early spring (or February in Vancouver) is the time to spot Narcissus pseudonarcissus (commonly known as the daffodil) in flower. Nothing heralds the beginning of Spring quite like seeing these happy little flowers nod in the dappled sunlight. The daffodils on my...
by Christy | Feb 9, 2016 | For the love of gardening, Homeopathic remedies
Winter is the time to spot evergreen perennial flowering plant, Helleborus niger (also known as the Christmas Rose or Black Hellebore) plants in full flower. Their foliage stays green year long so it is a nice addition to the garden. Plants take years to mature and do...
by Christy | Nov 12, 2015 | For the love of gardening, Homeopathic remedies
Fall is a wonderful time to spot Cyclamens’ flowering. Their distinctive leaf pattern makes them hard to miss. They love to grow in a shady leafy ground, perfect for brightening up a dark shady spot in the gardening. Traditional uses of Cylclamen europeum Hering...