by Christy | Apr 30, 2020 | Cell/Tissue/Mineral Salts, Children, Digestive, Homeopathic remedies, Website resources, Zettl Homeopathy
Let’s have lunch virtually and ‘do some learning’ about cell salts! Pick one topic you are interested in or attend all four, I would love to have you. These have been the most requested topics from customers and clients so far. Cell salts also cover...
by Christy | Oct 25, 2019 | Cell/Tissue/Mineral Salts, Children, Homeopathic remedies, Website resources
Happy October and Fall time 🙂 I love this time of year although it seems like everyone is getting sick or just getting over a cold! At home I have a set routine I do the moment I start to feel sick, my husband rolls his eyes but he does it too because it works....
by Christy | Feb 23, 2019 | Cell/Tissue/Mineral Salts, Children, Homeopathic remedies
The blood cleanser and last of the calciums-Calcium sulfate 6x aka Calcarea sulphurica aka Calc-sulph/sulf for short is a mineral salt with a close affinity to bile and the liver, helping breakdown worn out blood cells. When there is an imbalance of this salt in the...
by Christy | Feb 23, 2019 | Cell/Tissue/Mineral Salts, Children, Homeopathic remedies, Menopause
Calcium phosphate 6x aka Calcarea phosphorica aka Calc-phos for short is a mineral salt ‘absolutely essential to the proper growth and nutrition in the body. This salt is found in the blood plasma, saliva, gastric juices, BONES, connective tissues, teeth, milk, etc....
by Christy | Apr 26, 2015 | Children, Homeopathic remedies, Website resources, Zettl Homeopathy
Unlike many conventional and herbal medicines, homeopathy is safe for the whole family including during pregnancy and for infants. One of the most rewarding parts of my practice is helping children get off to a good start in life with classical homeopathic...
by Christy | Apr 20, 2015 | Children, Studies
There is growing evidence to suggest that children are born with a chemical load that is having an effect on their overall health. Environmental Defence in Canada tested the umbilical cord blood of three anonymous newborns in Ontario hospitals. They tested for PBDEs...
by Christy | Oct 6, 2014 | Children, Homeopathic remedies, Pain, Studies
ADHD and Homeopathy? Of note in September was a study from researchers at the University of Toronto and University of Alberta called, ‘An Open-Label Pilot Study of Homeopathic Treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Children and Youth’....
by Christy | Jun 27, 2014 | Children
In the last installment of the Snooks, they help to explain what happens when you visit a homeopath and receive individualized treatment. This is what to expect when you consult with a professional, registered homeopath such as myself or any of the homeopaths...
by Christy | Jun 20, 2014 | Children
This week we watch The Snooks: About homeopathy. This animation helps to explain what individualized homeopathic treatment is all about, and how it could be the safe, gentle and non-toxic healthcare choice you’ve been looking for.
by Christy | Jun 13, 2014 | Children
The Homeopathy Worked For Me campaign has created a brilliant animated video series about homeopathy. This week we watch, The Snooks: Why Try Homeopathy? It is a great introduction to homeopathy to children and adults alike. I highly recommend liking the Homeopathy...
by Christy | Apr 25, 2014 | Articles, Children, Studies
Video describing the validity of homeopathy in the treatment of animal and human diseases. Charts some groundbreaking studies that have been done. The idea that the benefits of homeopathy can only be explained with the placebo effect is becoming more and more outdated...
by Christy | May 29, 2011 | Articles, Children, Studies
Use this link to read an article about alternatives to treating ADD and ADDHD in children by well known homeopathic author, Dana Ullman:
by Christy | Mar 1, 2011 | Articles, Children, Studies
The report, “Fever and Antipyretic Use in Children,” will be published in Pediatrics March 2011. Use this link to see an article about it:...
by Christy | Aug 2, 2010 | Children, Homeopathic remedies, Studies
Homeopathic remedies are non-toxic and safe for use in babies and children (1) and research has shown that homeopathic remedies can be effective in children with respiratory tract infections (2), Otitis media (build up of fluid in the ear which can lead to infection)...