My path to Christy and Homeopathy, and journey to hormonal balance, has been long and winding. Eleven years ago an immediate hysterectomy was necessary and the on-set of hormonal imbalance * indicators was almost instantaneous.

*e.g. Intense, long lasting and frequent (1 to 2 every hour) hot flashes, sudden and extreme anger and sadness, sleeplessness, anxiety, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, an enduring feeling of hopelessness, etc.

My GP prescribed a myriad of pharmaceuticals over the course of the first two years, however, any noticeable benefits were short lived. During the subsequent eight years, mixed in with long periods of no remedial support I worked with a Gynecologist, two Naturopaths, an Acupuncturist, a Reflexologist, a Woman’s Heath specialist and I tried every over-the-counter remedy that surfaced.

I met Christy in November of 2015 while in a very dark place. Christy’s approach seemed so logical … she encouraged minute details of my symptoms; told me how she worked; and gave me reason to hope that some of my symptoms could at least be moderated.

Now 15 monthly later, I feel like myself again – my hopes for “at least some moderation” have been so far exceeded that I am actually writing a Google Review! Almost all of my symptoms have been completely resolved. We are just fine-tuning what is left of the hot flashes (0 to 3 or 4 mild and short ones in a 24 hour period) and intermittent sleeplessness.

I am so grateful to Christy for her kindness, patience and diligent research on my behalf. She has given me my life back. Words of gratitude fall very short Christy … thank you so very much for doing what you do.