The Queen is happy for homeopathy!

The Queen is happy for homeopathy!


I am most excited at my upcoming trip to visit London. It was my home from 2004-10 and I look forward to catching up with old friends and colleagues. :-DDid you know the Queen is a staunch supporter of homeopathy…

“For her extended foreign tours, the Queen’s luggage can weigh more than four tons — and that includes 60 vials of homeopathic medicines, carried in a special leather case, without which she won’t travel anywhere.
She is a firm believer in alternative remedies, preferring them to conventional medicine.

She has even  been known to treat one of her corgis homeopathically after the animal  cut its foot.

She bathed the wound in a special ointment and the injured paw was healed within days. When she was asked why she used the treatment, she replied: ‘If it’s good enough for me, it should be good enough for my dogs.’ “

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