The blood cleanser and last of the calciums-
Calcium sulfate 6x aka Calcarea sulphurica aka Calc-sulph/sulf for short is a mineral salt with a close affinity to bile and the liver, helping breakdown worn out blood cells.
When there is an imbalance of this salt in the body the following symptoms can arise (among many many others):
Acne, pimples (especially in teenagers), sore throats, catarrhs, tendency to produce boils and skin eruptions that keep discharging and are slow to heal.
It is considered a complementary and deeper-in-action remedy to Hepar sulph and should be considered if Hepar has no effect in suppurrations. I’ve used it with good effect in teenage acne and a particularly troublesome case of eczema where the eruptions were more like wounds with yellow discharge and crusts.