Three Great Alan W. Watts Quotes

Three Great Alan W. Watts Quotes

I discovered Alan W. Watts a couple years ago purely by chance.  He helped me access contentment in my daily life through his translation of Eastern philosophies, in particular Zen Buddhism. Here are some of my favourite Alan W. Watts quotes with pictures from my 2013...
The Wisdom of Benjamin Hoff

The Wisdom of Benjamin Hoff

A friend gave me The Tao of Pooh by Benjamin Hoff when I turned 20. It came at the right time in my life and completely changed how I look at the world. It also led to the Tao te Ching by Lao Tzu (written around 6th century BC). Out of all the books I have ever read,...
Three Really Good Things for Your Digestion

Three Really Good Things for Your Digestion

Three really good things for your digestion: Bone broth, chia seeds, and a moment of mindfulness With the wealth of information out there on nutrition right now, it’s difficult to incorporate every new food trend into your diet. And why would you? Sometimes it’s hard...